James Meadows Snr

(1798-1864 British)

Marine painter of Ships and Fishing Boats on Breezy days in Choppy Sea’s. James worked off the Low Countries, Brittany and the South coast of England. His son’s Arthur Joseph, James Edwin and William followed him as successful painters. James exhibited 21 paintings at the Royal Academy between 1855 and 1863 plus 67 in other London galleries. His paintings are in the British Government Art Collection. His treatment of the sea is excellent, rendering it both transparent and with true movement and attractively reflecting the light from the sky and clouds, his fishing boats seem alive and full of dynamic motion, and yet the overall composition usually has a peaceful and sunny quality.

While James Meadows painted portraits, theatrical scenery and miniatures he is best known for his strong and lively maritime paintings of which the present scene of a fishing boat rescuing survivors from a sinking Paddle Steamer is a prime example. He came from an artistic background. His father, William Meadows (b. circa 1753 d. 1847) was an actor and tenor singer who played with the well-known British actor, Richard James’ paternal aunt, Adeline was also an actress who married the miniaturist painter, John Massey Wright (1773-1866). At the time of James’s birth in 1789 his parents were living in Dublin, where his father was enjoying a season on stage at the Theatre Royal.

James went to sea at an early age and on his return to England he continued to paint theatrical scenery for a number of the London stages like many Victorian artists, James supplemented his income by teaching. He advertised himself as ‘A tutor to instruct young Ladies and Gentlemen the art of drawing and painting at a charge of- 1.1s for drawing and watercolor tinting per quarter with the additional cost of 10s.6d for painting in oil’. An advertising circular from the 1820’s noted that he taught perspective and anatomy and that he would undertake ‘Portraits and miniatures painted in the first style in oil and water colors’.

A number of his children were among a number of his pupils. James married Ann Cross (b. 1802) of Mountnessing, sometimes erroneously described as James Edwin) and Arthur Joseph Meadows (1843-1907). Although a musician and capable violinist, he lived with his father at Cobum Street, London until the latter’s death; William (1825 – 1910) became an artist and farmer.